Mastering the art of creating the perfect porn site isn’t just about quantity, but also quality. Does get that? Let's see, shall we!
For those of you who don't know yet, is an XXX videos site with content focused on indian porn.
Like the majority of the tube sites out there, built its content from community-uploaded videos. As a result, the videos can be fairly inconsistent both in terms of length and quality. What I can already tell you is that overall, is an okay site. To cut a long story short, the site is no must-see, but definitely a nice-to-see site.
Fortunately, you don’t have to pay a dime for anything, the site is totally free. Now, we will take a closer look at the details of the features of the site.
Site features
The first thing we will be looking at is the design of the site. Each time I visit's home page, the first thing I see is the utterly familiar design. It is purely functional, simple, and characterless. Nothing I haven't seen a million times before. That being said, please do not misunderstand me, if is not that pretty, it is no deal-breaker.
Hover with your mouse over an image and it shows you an animated preview that gives you 5-10 seconds from the video. I love to take a peek to see if these videos are worth the trouble before loading the full video page.
As for the media player, it fulfills its purpose. Nothing unusual here. A decent loading speed. Not too many errors while watching the videos. Just a regular decent enough video player.
Regarding the presence of ads on the site, I have seen much worse in terms of density and invasiveness. I was expecting pop-ups every time I clicked around, but I didn't see any. It's like that everywhere.
You can browse in eleven languages. The full list of the site's languages is available in the table below.
For the next part of this features analysis, we are going to have a look at one of the most important features a porn site must implement: the search feature.
First, we have the search box. It will give you the option to find what you want fast. Unluckily, the search bar implements the OR operator by default when used with more than one term. This will make it more difficult to find good results for searches with multiple terms. You can further reduce the results with the only filter available: length. It is possible to sort by relevance, upload-date, rating and views.
There are categories but, sadly, there are no tags. Besides, there are user-built playlists.
At the end of the day, the search feature is pretty good if what you are looking for is not too specific, but even though you will often end up finding what you are looking for, it can sometimes take a while. content
How invasive the ads are and how clean the site design is are all important things. While this may be true, a porn site is worth nothing without decent content.
As stated in the introduction, specializes in the indian niche and, for the most part, the videos are clips of various lengths.
Well,'s videos quality is fairly good. At least, not worse than on most porn sites. Like on any average porn tube, you will find good and bad stuff here. You can even find some premium videos if you are willing to search a little. Besides, the average video resolution is OK.
The shorter clips kind of come with the free porn territory.'s video collection is colossal. You should be able to find just about everything you could possibly want.
Is a good site?
Overall, I would say that if is not the best free porn site in the world, it is not the worst either.
The website offers decent video quality, looks quite good, offers many sorting options, uses ads that are not that invasive, and is quite big. At the same time, you might be bothered by the lack of tagging system.
So, should you take the time to visit Well, even if it is not perfect, this website could have some good surprises in store for you.