I recently heard that the overall earnings from porn is more than the earnings of sports and TV shows combined. I knew I chose the right career path! Anyway, in today's review we will spend some time on this porn site called Bdsm.one.
To begin with, Bdsm.one is a porn videos site that specializes in bdsm content.
The content of Bdsm.one is made of user-uploaded videos. As a result, the video length and quality may be quite inconsistent. What I can already tell you is that at the end of the day, Bdsm.one is a rather good site. In a nutshell, the site is no must-see, but definitely a nice-to-see site.
And the good news is: your banker and your wife will like it: Bdsm.one is a free site. Now, we will take a closer look at some of the things that make Bdsm.one what it is.
Site features
The first thing we will be looking at is how good the design is. From the moment I landed on the home page, I was struck by the completely conventional design. It is purely functional, basic, and soulless. Nothing I haven't seen a million times before. But make no mistake, if Bdsm.one is not that good-looking, it still gets the job done. And that is all that matters.
Hovering your mouse over a thumbnail earns you a moving preview of the video. Even if the preview lasts only a few seconds, it shows you enough action so that you can decide if you want to watch the full video.
Besides, the media player is very good. The streaming speed is blazing fast and there is almost no buffering. No streaming errors either.
I saw a few ads. Still, with an ad-blocker running, it ain't as bad as you would think. I didn't get any pop-ups. So, all things considered, Bdsm.one is definitely not the worst site I have been to as far as ads are concerned. Still unnecessary and annoying, sure, but whatever.
Bdsm.one is only available in English.
Without transition, we should see how good Bdsm.one is when it comes to finding things.
First off, a search bar allows users to find their favorite kind of porn effortlessly. Moreover, you can further reduce the results with the length and video-quality filters and there are some sorting options available: relevance, upload-date, rating and views.
The videos are grouped into categories but, sadly, there is no tagging system. And no playlists either.
With all this, searching on Bdsm.one is pretty easy. You don't have to spend hours trying to find the kind of porn you like.
Bdsm.one content
How about the quality of the videos, how large is their database, is the site suffering from link rot? Those are all the questions I am about to answer.
As I said in the intro, Bdsm.one specializes in bdsm content and, for the most part, its content is made up of clips of varying lengths.
Overall, the quality of the content on this website is quite good. You will find good and bad videos here. I don't complain though. There is still some quality stuff to watch. Moreover, some of the videos can be watched in high-definition.
The shorter clips kind of come with the free porn territory.
The video catalog of Bdsm.one is massive. You won't have any problem finding everything you could need.
Is Bdsm.one a good site?
All in all, I think if Bdsm.one is not the best free porn site I have ever been on, it is not the worst either.
The website makes finding the right video easy, is quick to load the videos, looks quite good, offers many sorting options, and uses ads that are not that invasive. On the other hand, you could be turned down by the lack of tagging system.
Despite its flaws, Bdsm.one is definitely worth paying a visit to.